Lately, I have discovered that, in the past four years, my work has had a connecting theme: Layers.
The blank canvas is built up by layers and layers of paint and textured components, some of them shine through until the end, some of them disappear, some even get more visible throughout the process and some transform entirely to another colour by the time the painting is finished. That’s the look and process from my side, the artist. Let’s call that the ‘building up’ point of view, the way, the process.
Now the side from the viewer is very different. At one point in time a person is exposed to that one painting and he or she is looking at it (let’s assume with interest sees that rich textured and coloured work of art. Looking at it a little longer, the person starts to see that there are many layers and that behind one colour another one shines through or that there are components that are reflecting the light from the very first layer on the painting. Let’s call that the ’seeing through’ point of view. It’s a look at the result of a process, an understanding that the layers are all part of the whole.
At the end, both ways of looking at it are similar; they reflect our own stories, experiences and state of mind.
If somebody were to ask me how I created a specific part of a painting, I would not be able to respond because I wouldn’t be able to recall that exact moment of creating it. It is just part of the process, the way, the whole.
People often ask me if they are allowed to touch my paintings - yes, - they are very welcome to touch them, I feel honoured!
Lisa Zbinden, February 2011